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Wangaratta - Jan 25th 2025

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 1
Wind Reading: -0.7 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Corey Williams Pink9.25m 7.777 7.742
2 Nathan Riali Red1.00m 7.789 7.754
3 Charlotte Hallal Grey12.00m 8.155 8.120
4 Cooper Lubeck Yellow5.00m 8.409 8.374
5 Willem Wallace White4.00m 8.547 8.512
6 Natascia Tyler Black11.00m 8.898 8.863
- Sam Comensoli Blue4.25m Scr Scr
- Jack Odea Green6.00m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 2
Wind Reading: 0.3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Endale Mekonnen Red1.50m 7.889 7.904
2 Reegan Clark Blue4.25m 7.951 7.966
3 Marcus Schafer Pink9.25m 8.068 8.083
4 Sloan Mulholland Green6.25m 8.164 8.179
5 Archer Jones Yellow5.00m 8.470 8.485
6 James Shill White4.00m 8.569 8.584
- Charlotte Nielsen Black11.00m Scr Scr
- Abby McTernan Grey12.50m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 3
Wind Reading: 0.3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Kristerfer Kardakovski Green6.75m 7.763 7.778
2 Jack Colgrave Yellow5.00m 7.834 7.849
3 Halle Martin Grey12.75m 7.924 7.939
4 Jack Wolff Blue4.50m 7.979 7.994
5 Aaron Peter-budge Red2.00m 8.023 8.038
6 Lachlan Kinnersly Pink9.25m 8.072 8.087
7 Julian Morgan White4.00m 8.366 8.381
- Laura-Jane Hilditch Black11.00m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 4
Wind Reading: 0.9 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Brendan Matthews White4.00m 7.822 7.867
2 Daniel Martin Black11.25m 7.894 7.939
3 Peter Biggs Grey13.00m 8.045 8.090
- Jesse Mckenna Red2.00m Scr Scr
- Daniel White-Alikakos Blue4.50m Scr Scr
- Attila Baranyay Yellow5.00m Scr Scr
- Callum James Green7.00m Scr Scr
- Troy Carey Pink9.25m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 5
Wind Reading: 3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Jared Glover White4.00m 7.676 7.826
2 Matthew Harvey Green7.50m 7.749 7.899
3 Matt Dinan Yellow5.25m 7.867 8.017
4 Sophie Stokes Grey13.50m 8.075 8.225
- Patrick Martin Red2.00m Scr Scr
- Tom Perry Blue4.50m Scr Scr
- Jonathan Kellett Pink9.50m Scr Scr
- Andrea Hearne Black11.50m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 6
Wind Reading: 1.3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Jake Ireland Red2.00m 7.656 7.721
2 Mohamad Zeed Green7.75m 7.678 7.743
3 Clare De Salis Pink9.50m 7.835 7.900
4 Hugh Hoffmann Blue4.50m 7.885 7.950
5 Davina Strauss Grey13.75m 8.289 8.354
6 Harriett Fox Black11.50m 8.478 8.543
- Luke Eckford White4.00m Scr Scr
- Corey (SA) Baker Yellow5.25m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 7
Wind Reading: 0.7 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Steven Coulson Grey14.00m 7.597 7.632
2 Mitchell ONeill Red2.75m 7.660 7.695
3 Olivia Barry Black11.50m 7.862 7.897
4 Benjamin Esquilant Blue4.50m 7.868 7.903
5 Cam Dunbar Green7.75m 7.913 7.948
6 Harmann Dhiman White4.00m 8.133 8.168
7 Darcy Ireland Yellow5.50m 8.477 8.512
- Rory Nunn Pink9.75m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 8
Wind Reading: 0.6 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Hayden Anderson Red2.75m 7.815 7.845
2 Andrew Devine Blue4.50m 7.821 7.851
3 Lachlan Shanks Yellow5.75m 8.218 8.248
4 Chloe Kinnersly Pink9.75m 8.385 8.415
- Aidan Rouse White4.25m Scr Scr
- Zoe Neale Green8.50m Scr Scr
- Taya McPhan Black11.75m Scr Scr
- Josephine Gaisie Grey14.50m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 9
Wind Reading: 0.7 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Tim Rosen Pink10.00m 7.656 7.691
2 Sami Latu Yellow5.75m 7.703 7.738
- Elijah Cross Red3.00m Scr Scr
- Dion Paull White4.25m Scr Scr
- Will Adams Blue4.50m Scr Scr
- Damien McTernan Green8.75m Scr Scr
- Simon Carey Black11.75m Scr Scr
- Alex Tzilantonis Grey15.00m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 10
Wind Reading: 0.5 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Addison Ramirez Blue4.75m 7.842 7.867
2 Matt Burleigh Yellow5.75m 7.857 7.882
3 Kai Hunak White4.25m 7.926 7.951
4 Mitchell Mullens Red3.75m 8.044 8.069
5 Jaimie Byrne Black11.75m 8.101 8.126
6 Craig Foley Green8.75m 8.464 8.489
- Jennifer King Pink10.50m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Heat: 11
Wind Reading: 1.3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Matt Standfield Green9.00m 7.716 7.781
2 Jack Johnston Blue4.75m 7.757 7.822
3 Joshua Young Red4.00m 7.928 7.993
4 Mitchell Csono White4.25m 8.105 8.170
5 Daniel Quattrone Yellow6.00m 8.383 8.448
6 Bridget Russell Black12.00m 8.617 8.682
- Keely Henderson Pink10.50m Scr Scr

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Semi Final: 1
Wind Reading: 0.8 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Steven Coulson Grey14.00m 7.650 7.690
2 Mohamad Zeed Pink7.75m 7.679 7.719
3 Kristerfer Kardakovski Green6.75m 7.686 7.726
4 Jake Ireland White2.00m 7.741 7.781
5 Corey Williams Black9.25m 7.744 7.784
6 Nathan Riali Red1.00m 7.747 7.787
7 Hayden Anderson Blue2.75m 7.795 7.835
8 Addison Ramirez Yellow4.75m 7.910 7.950

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Semi Final: 2
Wind Reading: 1.5 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Mitchell ONeill White2.75m 7.574 7.649
2 Tim Rosen Grey10.00m 7.597 7.672
3 Jack Johnston Green4.75m 7.706 7.781
4 Matt Standfield Black9.00m 7.737 7.812
5 Brendan Matthews Blue4.00m 7.751 7.826
6 Sami Latu Pink5.75m 7.764 7.839
7 Jared Glover Yellow4.00m 7.775 7.850
8 Endale Mekonnen Red1.50m 7.997 8.072

Event 10147 - 70m Open - Final:
Wind Reading: 0.5 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Mitchell ONeill White2.75m 7.558 7.583
2 Tim Rosen Black10.00m 7.625 7.650
3 Steven Coulson Grey14.00m 7.627 7.652
4 Kristerfer Kardakovski Yellow6.75m 7.695 7.720
5 Corey Williams Pink9.25m 7.725 7.750
6 Jake Ireland Red2.00m 7.731 7.756
7 Mohamad Zeed Green7.75m 7.759 7.784
8 Jack Johnston Blue4.75m 7.821 7.846

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