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Frankston - Jan 18th 2025

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 1
Wind Reading: 1.9 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Kayla Montagner White4.00m 8.533 8.628
2 Katie Moore Pink7.00m 8.578 8.673
3 Abby McTernan Green6.50m 8.756 8.851
4 Zoe Neale Red2.00m 8.790 8.885
5 Elizabeth Melrose Grey10.50m 8.914 9.009
6 Olivia Parnell Blue5.25m 9.228 9.323
- Alyssa Neale Yellow5.75m Scr Scr
- Josephine Gaisie Black9.00m Scr Scr

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 2
Wind Reading: 0.9 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Emma Carr Yellow5.75m 8.462 8.507
2 Talia Martin Blue5.25m 8.635 8.680
3 Ilana Grandine Red2.00m 8.647 8.692
4 Raeleigh Phillips Pink7.25m 8.907 8.952
5 Kelsie Roberts Black9.25m 9.514 9.559
6 Megan Blair Grey10.50m 10.158 10.203
- Grace O'Dwyer White4.25m Scr Scr
- Stephanie Jinks Green6.50m Scr Scr

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 3
Wind Reading: 2.9 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Tara Beasley Pink7.25m 8.515 8.660
2 Akshaya Iyer Blue5.25m 8.564 8.709
3 Kathryn O'Dwyer Green6.75m 8.584 8.729
4 Cassandra Wang lecouteur Red2.50m 8.609 8.754
5 Richelle Ingram Grey11.75m 8.634 8.779
6 Imogen Nobbs Black9.25m 8.650 8.795
7 Charlotte Hallal Yellow6.00m 8.912 9.057
8 Steph Ryan White5.00m 9.001 9.146

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 4
Wind Reading: 4.5 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Amelia Spenceley Blue5.50m 8.501 8.726
2 Sophie Stokes Pink7.75m 8.572 8.797
3 Harriett Fox Yellow6.00m 9.169 9.394
4 Elise Moss Black9.50m 9.716 9.941
5 Maddie Payne White5.00m 9.784 10.009
- Ellie Keratianos Red3.50m Scr Scr
- Georgia Miltiadou Green6.75m Scr Scr
- Madeleine Parris Grey12.25m Scr Scr

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 5
Wind Reading: 0.1 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Ruby Crisp Pink8.00m 8.537 8.542
2 Isabella Hollins Green6.75m 8.626 8.631
3 Kate Walker Yellow6.25m 8.735 8.740
4 Chloe Barnard Grey12.75m 8.827 8.832
5 Tiana Shillito Blue5.75m 9.119 9.124
6 Allira May White5.00m 9.131 9.136
7 Chloe Kinnersly Red3.75m 9.278 9.283
- Laura McDougall Black9.50m Scr Scr

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Heat: 6
Wind Reading: -0.3 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Charlotte Nielsen Green7.00m 8.324 8.309
2 Alex Tzilantonis Black10.00m 8.476 8.461
3 Jemma Stapleton Yellow6.25m 8.564 8.549
4 Georgia Mills Pink8.25m 8.566 8.551
5 Mia Spencer White5.25m 8.652 8.637
6 Aris Patsouras Blue5.75m 8.833 8.818
7 Sonya Pollard Grey15.25m 8.918 8.903
8 Mikala Shannon Red4.00m 9.444 9.429

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Semi Final: 1
Wind Reading: 0.9 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Charlotte Nielsen Pink7.00m 8.320 8.365
2 Isabella Hollins Green6.75m 8.467 8.512
3 Ruby Crisp Grey8.00m 8.479 8.524
4 Tara Beasley Black7.25m 8.483 8.528
5 Kayla Montagner Red4.00m 8.541 8.586
6 Akshaya Iyer Blue5.25m 8.656 8.701
7 Talia Martin White5.25m 8.663 8.708
8 Kathryn O'Dwyer Yellow6.75m 8.759 8.804

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Semi Final: 2
Wind Reading: 2 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Alex Tzilantonis Grey10.00m 8.385 8.485
2 Emma Carr Yellow5.75m 8.448 8.548
3 Katie Moore Pink7.00m 8.467 8.567
4 Georgia Mills Black8.25m 8.519 8.619
5 Mia Spencer White5.25m 8.527 8.627
6 Ilana Grandine Red2.00m 8.588 8.688
7 Amelia Spenceley Blue5.50m 8.607 8.707
- Jemma Stapleton Green6.25m DNS DNS

Event 10134 - 70m Open Women - Final:
Wind Reading: 1.7 MPS
Track Rating:
PositionNameColourMarkTimeAdj Time
1 Charlotte Nielsen Blue7.00m 8.254 8.339
2 Isabella Hollins White6.75m 8.320 8.405
3 Ruby Crisp Green8.00m 8.364 8.449
4 Alex Tzilantonis Pink10.00m 8.399 8.484
5 Emma Carr Red5.75m 8.420 8.505
6 Tara Beasley Yellow7.25m 8.464 8.549

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